Calculated Responses: The Secret to Achieving Desired Results
As a preeminent wealth advisor, I've had the privilege of working with some of the most successful individuals in the world. One common trait among these high achievers is their ability to think through their options and the consequences of various courses of action to arrive at the most beneficial approach. This ability to respond in a calculated manner, rather than reacting impulsively, is a key factor in their success.
The Power of the Limbic System
Regardless of our wealth or success, we all share a common trait: a set of nerve clusters on each side of our brain's thalamus, known as the limbic system. This system is responsible for our emotional reactions to situations that create tension, worry, and conflict.
However, when it comes to achieving great success and generating sizable wealth, it's not the natural emotions we feel but how we train ourselves to react to them that can make all the difference in our results. The most successful people respond to stressful scenarios in fundamentally different ways than the rest of us. They are known for their calculated responses, where their feelings may influence their decisions, but their actions are deliberate and well thought out.
The Art of Calculated Responses
Calculated responses are about being in control and ensuring your behavior is directed toward the outcome you desire. When something significant happens, your limbic system kicks in, and you react emotionally. However, instead of reacting impulsively, successful individuals take a step back and carefully assess situations. They consider all their viable options in terms of how well those options meet their professional and personal goals and agendas.
In deciding on a particular calculated response, they project out the results they expect to attain—estimating the short-term and long-term consequences. Finally, they make their decision and implement their computed response. Over time, this process becomes deeply ingrained in their behavior—so much so that it can appear to other people as automatic and natural as having emotional reactions in the first place!
Steps to Emulate Calculated Responses
- Evaluate Opportunities and Consequences: Carefully evaluate the opportunities and consequences of each potential alternative action. This process might be as straightforward as writing down pros and cons lists. Some people prefer to use mind-mapping software or force field analysis.
- Focus on Minimum Requirements: When narrowing down possible calculated responses, focus on the minimum requirements to make a reply successful. If a course of action satisfies the minimum projected requirements for success—the need is met—it should be moved to the top of the list.
- Enlist High-Quality Help: Run your ideas by sounding boards and confidants. Objective advice from people willing to give you pushback can help you arrive at much better decisions and outcomes.
Calculated Responses for Business Success
In the business world, the self-made Super Rich generally have calculated responses to trigger events—they are adept at thinking through what is going on and how it will impact them, which becomes critical to their significant and ongoing success. They do not let the positions and objectives of other people sway their decisions and actions.
Calculated responses are far more powerful than impulsive reactions in achieving optimal business results. By adopting the types of habits noted above, you can start to build in your circuit breakers that can stop sloppy, emotion-driven actions that don't serve you well—and replace them with carefully considered responses that lead to better results for your bottom line or your personal life—and hopefully both!
Remember, the journey to success is not a sprint but a marathon. It's about making calculated responses that align with your goals and values. It's about understanding that every decision you make impacts your overall success. So, take a step back, assess your situation, and make the calculated response that will lead you to your desired outcome.
Disclaimer: This publication should not be utilized as a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. If legal, medical, accounting, financial, consulting, coaching, or other professional advice is required, the services of the appropriate professional should be sought.